First results after 2 weeks, up to -75% after 12 weeks

Continuous improvement with regular use (results may vary). Fades pigment spots and prevents and their reappearance for even and radiant skin. Suitable for all skin tones and types.


Find out more about hyperpigmentation

Real people, real cases, real results

Petra Mayer, 35, Germany

Petra’s self-confidence plummeted when facing life with hyperpigmentation. Eucerin invited Petra to test to the new Anti-Pigment range, which became a turning point in her skin journey. After twelve weeks, her skin began to change in a lifechanging way. This experience has affected not just her Petra, but inspired women around the world to discover the power of Anti-Pigment. Thanks to Eucerin’s highly effective own ingredient, Thiamidol, Petra and many other women have seen their dark spots fade in just mere weeks. Watch her story. 

Elena Satzl, 31, Germany

For Elena, hyperpigmentation made her feel embarrassed and made her conscious of enjoying time outside in the sun with her fiancé. After seeing Petra’s results with Anti-Pigment, Elena knew she had finally found a solution to fade her spots, and just in time for her wedding day. Watch her story. 

Aida Jokanovic, 38, Serbia

Aida tried everything, even lemon juice, to fade the hyperpigmentation that appeared on her face during pregnancy. Her dark spots affected her confidence, especially at work. Nothing helped until a dermatologist recommended her to try Anti-Pigment. Watch her skin journey. 

How it works

Learn about Eucerin’s unique and effective formulas from leading dermatologists as they discuss Thiamidol, our new patented and proven active ingredient.

First results using Eucerin Anti-Pigment Correcting Hand Cream SPF 30 visible in two weeks

How to use

A daily to get the best results from the range. Use a maximum of four application of Thiamidol per day. 

Hyperpigmentation Articles

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Pioneers in skincare

We deliver a holistic dermo-cosmetic approach to protect your skin, keep it healthy and radiant.

Committed to innovation

For over 100 years, we have dedicated ourselves to researching and innovating in the field of skin science. We believe in creating active ingredients and soothing formulas with high tolerability that work to help you live your life better each day.

Recommended by dermatologists

We work together with leading dermatologist and pharmacist partners around the world to create innovative and effective skincare products they can trust and recommend.